digital art practice exercises

Can it be frustrating being a beginner? Yes. Does it have to be? Not necessarily. When you have exercises to guide you along, you’ll find that it’s relatively easy to improve. Not as easy as, say, turning on the TV and letting your potential go to waste, but as easy as you’d like to make it.

These Digital Drawing exercises for beginners are designed to get you improving in a relatively short span of time, and find it easier to draw with the tools provided.

Digital Drawing Exercises To Improve Your Digital Drawing Skills FAST - Digital Art Practice Exercises

Controlling the flow of your digital brush is important for sketching, mark-making, and painting. It’s integral that you’re able to apply the amount of pressure necessary to get the result you want. Try making some lines across the picture plane and varying them in thickness.

Digital Painting Exercise

These are some custom brushes I made in procreate, you can see the pressure sensitivity applies to various degrees along each of these lines.

Simple shapes are foundational to drawing. Much like the videos above, basic shapes are what we can construct most other forms from. Drawing circles, spheres, cones, cylinders, and boxes are some of the best exercises a beginner can do. At first glance they may seem boring, but when you turn your boxes into cars and robots, and your cylinders into arms and legs, things start to turn up.

Many artists is deeply concerned with the quality of their lines when they start out. When it comes to digital drawing exercises for beginners, no list would be complete without talking lines. The best practices in this area involve a lot of play.

I Want To Draw: Simple Exercises For Complete Beginners

Forming the habit of shading is important when it comes to drawing. If you’re only drawing outlines, you’re missing out on a whole world of drawing possibility. Take some of the shapes you’ve drawn and shade them with a few crisp marks. Try cross hatching, try diagonal shading, so long as you’re adding some tone and form. It may not be pretty at first, but it’s important to start developing this skill and habit.

Now that you’ve gotten your digital feet wet, it’s time to try working a bit more representational. These next few exercises will help you to develop your digital drawing ability further.

Drawing a piece of produce will let you work on your organic forms— even if the produce isn’t! I want you to develop the habit of laying down your marks and lines as accurately as you can. Observe, draw a line or two, then repeat. Measure what you’ve drawn against what you’re going to draw next. Even if it comes out a bit disproportionate, you’ll be using everything from the level 01 exercises in an applicable and representational way.

The Best Drawing Exercises To Improve Your Skills

Grab something from the store or around the house. Make sure it’s not too detailed. Place it where you can clearly see it and then observe it deeply. Let everything else in the world matter less as you focus all of your attention upon this object and your exercise. Capture the curves, the edges, and the big shape first, then work your way gradually toward the details. Don’t get overwhelmed if it turns our wonky or strange, it’s to be expected. If you nail it or do very well, don’t get too haughty either - you’ll blind yourself from seeing future mistakes, or get too lax in your focus.

At any rate, both of these exercises are perfect for beginners, as learning to work digitally from life bridges the gap between both worlds, and will bolster your drawing abilities greatly if done habitually.

After taking a break from your life drawings, draw from imagination something similar. Recall the shapes, curves, edges, and qualities. Shade aptly as you complete your line work. Evaluate the final - as how it differed from the referenced-from-life work.

Drawing Exercises For Beginners - Digital Art Practice Exercises

Drawing Exercises That Every Artist Should Practice

Just draw whatever you’d like from reference ( I usually just grab something off Pinterest.) Use all of the exercises you’ve done to start piecing them together. Once you’re able to start executing level 4, you’re in good shape to start becoming intermediate, as opposed to a beginner. This may take up to a year or two if you’re not really consistent in your studies, but don’t focus so much on the outcome, simply focus on the process.

Breaking things down into exercises and levels helps provide some structure. You can take a huge reference folder of art you’ll Ike and do the same to advance even quicker. Develop you own exercises and you’ll develop your own techniques and style.

Practice daily and don’t break the chain. You’ll often surprise yourself and find some of the most creatively fulfilling moments this way. However, it’s best to simply focus on the day-to-day, moment-to-moment work, as that’s the reality we live in.

Improve By Tracing — Ctrl+paint

Don’t be so outcome-dependent, because the practice is the goal. Digital drawing exercises for beginners will become digital drawing exercises for the adept before you know it.Want to improve your (digital) drawing skills? Do the following digital drawing exercises on a regular basis and you will see your (digital) drawing skills improve. Of course we all want to improve fast and not spend too much time exercising, but you don’t have to do these exercises for hours. Even if you just practice these digital drawing exercises for 10 minutes a day, you will see results fast!

The first exercise is a crosshatching exercise. Fill your canvas or your piece of paper with hatches. You can place them in random directions. It doesn’t just help you gain confidence when hatching, but it’s also a very relaxing, almost meditative exercise.

 - Digital Art Practice Exercises

For the next exercise we will fill a digital canvas or piece of paper again. This time we’ll fill it with circles. Start out with big circles and place smaller circles in between. Make your circles smaller and smaller until you can’t fit in any circles anymore.

Drawing Anatomy For Beginners: Top 5 Dos And Don'ts

The next exercise is a great way to improve your hand-eye coordination. Start by making a circle, a square or other shape and place a dot in the middle. Now make a circle again, inside the bigger circle. Try to place your circle exactly in between the dot and the outer line. Continue making circles between lines until you don’t have enough space anymore.

This is also a great exercise to improve you hand-eye coordination. Draw a random wiggly snake shape and try to draw one next to it, making a parallel line.

For the fifth exercise we’ll use the same wiggly snakes, but this time, try to replicate the entire snake shape next to the original. This helps you practice copying shapes.

Digital Painting Exercises And How They Help You Create Better Art

This exercise is about copying shapes as well. Draw a vertical line and then draw random shapes on the left side of the line (or on the right hand if you are left handed). Next, try to replicate the shapes as exact as you can on the right side. This is a great way to get a sense of angles and sizes.

 - Digital Art Practice Exercises

Copying shapes can become a lot easier when you don’t try to make long lines, but make dashed lines instead. Make a series of shapes for this exercise and then try copying them using long continuous lines, then copy the same shapes using dashed lines. Do you see how much easier it becomes to copy the shapes?

Another copying exercise! Make random, rectangular shapes and try to copy them. Try to observe and copy the angles and use this exercise to get better at judging sizes and angles.

Crucial Things A Beginner Artist Should Do (and Learn)

Do you think these previous exercises were a bit too boring for you? This next exercise sure is a lot of fun! Just follow a drawing tutorial for kids, like this one. It really helps to improve your observational skills and hand-eye coordination.

This is a great digital drawing exercise when you’re having trouble with getting control over your pen pressure. Grab a digital pencil that has size set to pen pressure and start making lines that vary in thickness. Next, start making a line next to it, reversing the thick and thin parts. Try to fit the next line into the previous line. Like this:

You don’t just want to train your ability to judge sizes, shapes and angles and get control over pen pressure. Training your ability to judge values when painting is also a great idea! You can easily do this with this digital drawing exercise. Grab a black and white photo and pick an area you want to judge. Then try to pick the right value by hand, using the color wheel. Lay down the value and judge your choice by using the color picker and picking the exact value from the photo.

Exercises To Improve Your Digital Painting Skills - Digital Art Practice Exercises

Learn How To Draw With These 10 Easy Exercises

You can do the same exercise with color! Pick a random photo and then a random area in that photo and try to pick the color in the color wheel. You can correct yourself by using the eyedropper tool and check if you were anywhere near the real color.

Want to see all these digital drawing exercises in action? Then check out the full video with these 12 exercises to improve your drawing skills! Also want to improve your blending skills?

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